tolerance of fit

英 [ˈtɒlərəns ɒv fɪt] 美 [ˈtɑːlərəns əv fɪt]

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  1. The unilateral system permits changing the tolerance while still retaining the same allowance or type of fit.
  2. Unanimous Approximation and Smooth Tolerance of Circular Arc Fit for Planar Range of Points and Their Application
  3. This article introduces least square method of unanimous approximation and smooth tolerance of segmented circular arc fit for planar range of Points.
  4. Error analysis shows that by selecting the parameter increment rationally, the segment tolerance of interpolation can be assured to satisfy the desired machining accuracy and the real motion feedrate of machine tool can be controlled to fit the programmed feedrate.
  5. Through using of degree of freedom and tolerance zone of a feature, Assembly model is established to present fit feature, component feature, assembly geometric relation, assembly dimension, assembly tolerance, and assembly datum, etc.
  6. Thus, the different clones from the toxic nature of the tolerance of stress were significantly different, which is fit For the future with nurturing the growth of Chinese fir planted on the ground to select superior clones provide a theoretical basis.